Sunday, January 2, 2011

Wedding Celebration & Ship


      In the poem, "The Rime of the Ancient Mariner", the mariner reveals a horrific story to a guest at a wedding reception. Why? Indeed it is not just a coincidence, but rather one of the many dualities Romanticism poets used in order to express realities. "Rime of the Ancient Mariner" starts its first lines at a wedding and then progresses to the actual "story telling" which is at a sea with dreadful events. "Mayst hear the merry din' '' Merry, nothing less than sounds of joy, laughter and happiness. "The ship was cheered, the harbour cleered, Merrily did we drop". The wedding guest may not know what he will be exposed to,however he has no option but to listen.
     The ship where the Mariner lived the worst of times, exposes life and death. It may not seem as so, yet it sets the mariner has gone through and seen the lives of those that accompanied him fall one by one. The ship move not one bit as all disasters happened. His lips pleeded death as he was the only one who survived. In the beginning of the poem at the wedding reception it read "The sun came up upon the left, Out of the sea came he; And he shone bright, and on the right Went down into the sea." Later, in the story of the mariner it read "The sun now rose upon the right, Out of the sea came he; Still hid in mist, and on the left, Went down into the sea." This changes the plot.
     Both the wedding reception and the setting of the Mariner's story contrast although they both take place on a ship. One, joy surrounds and the other day, agony. This enhances the feeling the poet trys to convey which lies within a person's interpretation and depth analysis. To me, comfort and fear come to mind as the sudden change in the Mariner take place. When the poem first starts no sense of fear comes into mind, just tranquility. "The wedding-guest he beat his breast, Yet he cannot choose but hear" sparks the mind that comfort and tranquility will no longer be the emotions one will live.   

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